Our Services

Accommodation and Tenancy Support

We assist you in identifying the best housing and residential prospects and then putting in place the necessary processes to claim them, such as shortlisting, paperwork, and documentation. We make your housing dreams a reality by working together with our team of professionals to make the application process simpler and smoother. We are with you every step of the way, from examining and screening appropriate residential spaces to reviewing various leasing and renting options. We can also help you communicate with your landlord to figure out what your best options are.

We help you identify lodgings and solutions that fit your lifestyle as well as your support needs using a holistic approach. Our goal is to make the whole process as easy as possible for you so you can concentrate on important matters, such as locating the right home and meeting your basic requirements. Our support staff can assist with finding suitable lodging, relocating, and completing the necessary paperwork and formalities as mandated by government rules.

  • Property inspection and shortlisting
  • Getting in touch with the landlord or the property owner
  • Getting the required papers ready
  • Obtaining the required documentation
  • Transfer of ownership or tenancy
  • Evaluating options for short-term lodging
Supported Independent Living (SIL)

Under our supported independent living service category, we deliver all the required assistance to the participants within the comfort of their homes. This service is specifically meant for those participants who need a higher degree of support at all times. Our supported independent living service intends to create an environment where the participants can live independently without worrying about their safety.

A support worker will stay with you 24*7 and assist you with the overall management of your household. We will offer assistance whenever and wherever required and help develop basic life skills.

Short term Accommodation

NDIS short-term accommodation lasts 14 days, and within this duration, you can choose to live in a shared environment or an independent set-up. Irrespective of the living conditions you opt for, our support workers would be there to assist you with everyday activities and ensure your safe stay.

A basic short-term accommodation service covers:

  • Personal care
  • Accommodation
  • Food
  • Any other community or skills development activity you opt for.

The accommodation would be prepared while considering your needs and requirements, and a qualified support worker would be assigned to your care. This service is meant to give the carers and participants a break from their normal routine and experience living under new conditions.

Assistance for Access or Maintenance of Employment

This service aims to offer assistance in helping you maintain and access employment. The support allows any individual to land a job in the open or supported market and retain it successfully. The participants being assisted under this service receive proper entitlements as well as salaries as those in open employment. Our support workers help you find the right employment opportunities for you which can open doors for various success stories to happen.

The proper work and structured pay is, of course, a feat in itself but beyond that, you also get many fruitful social interactions, opportunities to build your network and experience real inclusion. Our various options also offer a training job profile or internship based on your skill set and growth that help you grow holistically. Our team helps you in shortlisting jobs, sending in necessary documentation, counselling related to work ethics, especially supported employment that prepares you for the job’s expectations and requirement.

  • Real jobs that pay real money
  • We offer job opportunities to help you sit for interviews and crack the job
  • We help you build your resume and send it to the best places
  • Workplace benefits
  • Internal and external training opportunities
  • Work hours that are flexible
  • Job-related evaluations and counselling
  • Support in specialised, supervised employment
  • Individual or group employment planning and support

Assistance with High Intensity Daily Personal Activities

We can support you with your daily duties so that you can live independently. Our compassionate and trained personnel provide assistance to ensure that your daily routine is achievable and managed. These services are normally delivered in the comfort of your own home, but they can also be provided in the community.

If the participant requires more intensive treatment, he or she may require the assistance of a professional or specialised worker who deals with high-intensity cases. There are three levels of care available. Complex Bowel Care, Tracheostomy Management, Feeding or Naso-Gastric Tube Management, Urinary Catheter Management, Complex Wound Management, Physiotherapy, Subcutaneous injections, and/or other high-intensity therapies are among the services provided. These services are administered by experienced professional support workers who have worked under this kind of support requirement and understand how to take care of each aspect of the person dependent on them. For proper care concern, one person is present at all times to cater to each and every need of the participant.

  • Feeding and supervision
  • Diabetic management
  • Injection assistance is available.
  • Ventilation
  • Catheters for the urinary tract
  • Tracheotomy care & Management
  • Management of Complex Wounds
  • Support with Bowel Care

Assistance with Life Stages & Transition Support

Participants will receive assistance in putting their plan into action by improving their ability to connect with larger support systems, grasp the purpose of the provided services, and contribute in the community things.

Support Connection will help a participant comprehend the plan’s components, aid with ongoing support management, and answer questions as they occur. Additional qualifications/experience are needed to improve a participant’s ability to develop and build their own supports, with a focus on connecting the larger systems of support across a complicated customer service environment.

Coordination of Supports focuses on assisting participants in taking control of their lives rather than just the services being offered. Mentoring, support with peers, and interpersonal skill development are all part of life transition planning support.

  • Self-care and living skills are developed independently.
  • Resolving crises and conflicts
  • Mentoring in finance
  • Planning and budgeting on a daily basis
  • Create supportive networks within a client’s social circle.
  • Support for connecting to other helpful community services and programmes
  • Goal-setting and life planning with improved decision-making
  • Assistance with securing a place to live and meeting tenancy obligations

Assistance with Personal Activities

Sterling Hearts Disability Services can help you with your daily activities so you may live a more active and fulfilling life. Our team thinks that even the simplest adjustments can lead to a more self-reliant and independent living. We don’t just help with housekeeping; we also provide you the tools you need to feel confident, knowledgeable, and at ease doing things like housekeeping, cooking, washing, bill payment, and errands. You’ll learn how to manage things this way, whether you live alone or in a shared home, and you’ll always be able to count on us for everything. We also help you meet your routine tasks with much efficacy.

Our personal assistance allows one to be aided to all parts of life from managing your home to taking care of yourself in a wholesome manner. Our assistance also reaches out to participants with critical care needs and are provided with support staff that takes care of them round the clock.

  • For client needs, we are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Assistance with housekeeping, cleaning and running errands
  • High intensity support provided
  • Schedules are flexible and quick
  • Assistance with everyday selfcare activities
  • Technology-assisted care management
  • Monitoring can be done either remotely or on-site.

Assistance with Travel & Transport

For travel out of the station or for your regular commute, we provide help and transit alternatives. We support you in moving at your own pace and in the areas where you require assistance the most. We assist you in finding a driver and car that meet your needs while also ensuring that it is well-equipped for any support requirements you may have. We can assist you in obtaining wheelchairs, trolleys, and other travel-related equipment.

Our support staff considers your specific needs and provides assistance based on them, putting all of the innovative systems in place. We help you meet important appointments, meet your near and dear ones, do shopping and commute from one place to another with much ease. We take into account your unique requirements and offer a driver and vehicle corresponding to that!

  • We help you travel better in a way that’s simpler and more feasible for you whether its an everyday commute or remote travel
  • We provide you with a reliable driver and vehicle that match your unique requirements and meet you on every parameter
  • We have all the assistive equipment such as wheelchairs, trolly and other things in place for your ease of movement
  • Transitioning from one medium of travel to another is easy with our caregiving staff supporting you

Home Modifications in Design & Construction

The design and subsequent alterations to the participant’s home are included in this service group. Installation of equipment or adjustments to building structures, fixtures, or fittings are included in home modification design and construction to enable participants to live as autonomously as feasible with ample safety at home.

Working together with Occupational Therapists and Support Coordinators, we offer timely and competent assistance for NDIS participants who require home modifications such as modified bathrooms, ramps, door widening, support rails, and more. We link you with the most proficient registered builders, architects and interior designers for consultation, designing proposals as well as execution possibilities. We help you source the right house for your lifestyle requirements and build functional and easy to access spaces that assist your everyday activities. We also help you find furniture that is feasibly compatible to your requirements.

  • We help you source a house that meets your support requirements and lifestyle preference
  • We fetch furniture for you that is compatible and matches your unique requirements for a smooth lifestyle
  • We offer you various design proposals and innovative solutions for home modifications that are just on point
  • From railings, door widening to building ramps and assistive toilet modifications, we help you get all kinds of modifications done
  • We work alongside you with experienced modification project manager and building certifier to enhance your home and makemodification to bathroom, grab rails, toilet, laundry, kitchen, structural work and much more

Community Nursing Care for Participants with Complex Needs

Our support workers assist disadvantaged persons with disabilities and their families in obtaining the necessary support to enable them to live normal lives. Community nursing as a service seeks to help caregivers while also reinforcing and maintaining an independent, robust, and self-sustaining lifestyle. Our team is skilled at addressing difficult instances as well as day-to-day issues in a way that allows you to expand your ability to take on more responsibilities on your own. We offer all of the resources you’ll need to get the aid you need on a daily basis.

Our nurses and support staff have the knowledge and skills to handle both complex and routine cases, as well as provide enough support resources as needed. We provide continence management services based on the level of assistance required by your participants, which may include bowel management, catheter care, and correct stoma care. Our highly skilled caregivers can readily assist you with wound care.

  • Continence Support & Management
  • Bowel Management
  • Proper Urinary Catheter Management
  • Stoma Care in place
  • Peg Feeding and Naso-Gastric Tube
  • Assisting with movement with Physiotherapy support
  • Tracheostomy Management
  • Subcutaneous injections or other high-intensity aid

Assistance with Daily Tasks & Shared Living

Sterling Hearts provides individualised support programmes with a choice of options for active participation in everyday activities and community groups. So, in addition to your regular responsibilities such as hygiene, housework, and traveling, you can try to learn new skills, meet new acquaintances, and become more involved in your community’s things. Assistance With Daily Tasks/Shared Living focuses on the development and improvement of domestic skills that enable clients to live independently. It can also be provided in a shared living environment.

We help you explore various shared living options wherein you can lodge and have people with similar support needs living in shared space with you, with regular support and assistance offered by support workers.

  • Assistance from a caregiver on a one-on-one basis
  • Assisting with daily duties in order to live independently
  • Within a residence, self-care, housing, and activities are all supported.
  • Providing a place to stay temporarily
  • Arrange for a place to stay while moving to self-sufficiency.

Development in Daily Living & Life Skills

Daily living and life skills development focuses on developing and training various activities undertaken by the participant or their caregiver to increase their capacity to live as independently as possible. We include various supports that will enhance the participant’s ability to travel by yourself, use public transportation easily, practise and take care of personal hygiene on a regularly, amongst many others. We offer services to help you and your family or caregivers navigate all of the challenges that arise in your everyday lives, as well as to apply solutions that will improve your ability to deal with them.

We provide various group based activities to build your communication and social skills. The aim is to help you expand your knowledge base along with skills to incorporate better problem-solving and decision making skills. We also help you build your capacity on taking care of personal hygiene, preparing meals, cleaning, laundry and travel/commute to designated places.

  • Help you build you interpersonal, communication and social skills through various individual and group based activities
  • Training and development to help you build your own network, collect knowledge and proper skillset
  • Take proper care of your hygiene requirements including toileting and personal care needs
  • Preparing meals, keeping the house clean, laundrying, ironing and folding clothes
  • Managing of bills and any other commitements to keep the house functioning optimally
  • Learning to take the transport by yourself and conversing with support providers to avail required services

Household tasks

We assist you in a variety of ways, with our support workers supporting you with home duties that would benefit you while also assisting your caregivers in providing you with extra care. We take the time to carefully identify where you need the most help and then offer advice on how to better manage those areas. Our support staff cleans, tidies, and maintains the functionality of your house and surroundings.

Cleaning, sweeping the floor, dusting places, laundry, ironing garments, preparing meals, doing the dishes, shopping, maintaining the lawn or gardens, keeping track of the bills, and overall house maintenance and upkeep are just some of the tasks we manage. We assist you in completing these duties so that you may devote your time and energy to other activities such as improving your community involvement, networking, expanding your knowledge and skill set, and prioritising your health. We can assist you with a variety of issues, including but not limited to:

  • We help you make time so you can focus on your career prospects or your educational priorities while building a friend circle for yourself.
  • Grocery shopping, meal preparation, cooking and serving are some of the kitchen responsibilities we assist you with
  • We help you clean, mop the floor, dust, along with vacuuming and cleaning your surrounding areas to keep them maintained.
  • We manage your clothing with assistance with laundry, ironing, folding and changing the bedsheets along with taking care of linens all over the house.
  • We manage your bills and help you in submitting them on time while working out other commitments and finances.

Assistive Products for Household Tasks

We want to make a person’s life as enjoyable and well-equipped as possible. This is why, when it comes to topics like domestic and homemaking, we provide you with resources that allow you to complete tasks faster and more effortlessly. We can assist you in selecting various compartmental containers and other storage facilities that will allow you to effortlessly arrange your belongings.

We offer a variety of memory aids as well as complete support devices like ECUs to provide 24-hour assistance to persons with varied disabilities. We can also connect you with people who can assist you in setting up or maintaining a certain unit and making the most of it. The range of assistive products that we provide include anything that you or your household requires, taking into account the best products that match your lifestyle preferences and needs.

  • We offer wheelchairs along with other mobility assistive tools and machines that make your daily commutes easier
  • Various storage spaces, food processors along with kitchen appliances to make everyday activities easier and simpler.
  • Our spectrum of products and resources also have various sanitary solutions that assist your showers, toiletry and dressing needs within your routine things.
  • Security tools such as CCTV cameras, alarm bells, fire alerts and automated doorbells make everyday tasks simpler.
  • We also help you avail various kinds of adaptable clocks and memory aids for people with memory-related disorders
  • We also link you with professionals who set up ECUs for patients under high supervision

Products would include:

  • Bath mat with a non-slip surface
  • Handrails or a ramp are both options.
  • Mattresses with high pressure
  • Electronic magnification for the desktop
  • Prosthetic with myoelectricity
  • Speech processors implants

Social and Community Participation

Belonging to a community and interacting improves your social skills while also honing your confidence and helping you develop your personality. This is why we offer a variety of activities and programmes to assist you in spending time with friends and family, attending appointments, making new connections, and learning new skills. We encourage you to get involved in the community and get personalised help with interpersonal and community issues.

These services assist NDIS participants in becoming more involved in their communities by encouraging them to participate in social and civic activities, among other things. Participants are encouraged to gain the skills and abilities needed to participate in community activities. They’re also encouraged to participate in community events. One of the most satisfying things you can do is to get involved in your local community. It benefits participants’ mental and physical health while also allowing them to meet new people and gain independence. Participants are helped with meals, shopping, transportation, and meeting new people, for example.

  • We help you become more involved in your community by letting you take on things like attending appointments, family and friends’ gathering yourself
  • Supports are available to ensure that participants get the most out of their community involvement by making connections and grasping new skills
  • You are assisted with making new connections, shopping and taking responsibilities on your own
  • We also help you prepare or procure meals and commute easily by yourself wherever you need to go
  • Camps, classes and vacation activities that have capacity building, mentoring or peer support and individual skill development.
Our team will assist you develop skills in:
  • Supporting you to stay in touch with your family, friends and other important people in your life, and meeting new friends in your local community.
  • Assist you to develop skills to find work or find other meaningful things to do with your time.
  • Encourage you to learn new skills – or to enhance the abilities you already have.

Group & Centre-based Activities

We assist you in participating in and creating community participation by selecting the groups you enjoy as well as centre-based events. These activities bring you together with other members and caregivers to provide you with the resources you need to live a life that is genuinely rewarding and pleasant. Our caregivers devote a significant amount of time to researching your NDIS plan and its parameters in order to provide you with a service that is tailored to your needs in every way. True assistance, according to us at Sterling Hearts Disability, is one that meets you at your level!

The group-based activities allow you to participate in cultural and recreational activities in a community to gain a comprehensive understanding of interpersonal skills. Participants will participate in a variety of entertaining and educational activities designed to provide you with the real-world support and augmentation that your personality requires. The majority of these activities take place in a group, either at our centre or in the community.

  • The activities are based on your custom capacities, strengths and imitations and therefore helping you build and become the best version of yourself
  • We put you with like-minded people to create a growth inducive environment for you
  • Our activities help you build your communication skills, decision-making skill, reasoning and allow you to network better
  • Our activities are very easy and help you build together with a sense of community

In-Home Support

We assist you in a variety of ways, with our support workers supporting you with home duties that would benefit you while also assisting your caregivers in providing you with extra care. We take the time to carefully identify where you need the most help and then offer advice on how to better manage those areas. Our support staff cleans, tidies, and maintains the functionality of your house and surroundings.

Cleaning, sweeping the floor, dusting places, laundry, ironing garments, preparing meals, doing the dishes, shopping, maintaining the lawn or gardens, keeping track of the bills, and overall house maintenance and upkeep are just some of the tasks we manage. We assist you in completing these duties so that you may devote your time and energy to other activities such as improving your community involvement, networking, expanding your knowledge and skill set, and prioritising your health. We can assist you with a variety of issues, including but not limited to:

  • We help you make time so you can focus on your career prospects or your educational priorities while building a friend circle for yourself.
  • Grocery shopping, meal preparation, cooking and serving are some of the kitchen responsibilities we assist you with
  • We help you clean, mop the floor, dust, along with vacuuming and cleaning your surrounding areas to keep them maintained.
  • We manage your clothing with assistance with laundry, ironing, folding and changing the bedsheets along with taking care of linens all over the house.
  • We manage your bills and help you in submitting them on time while working out other commitments and finances.

Sterling Forging Bonds

Are you looking to meet new friends, enjoy fun outings with a group of people, or just have some new experiences? Our forging bond program offers the opportunity to access a range of activities like football, movies, drink night, dinners and more in a group) our fun and active team of support workers will accompany you within a group of like minded individuals to have wonderful fun experiences, build capacity and just live life to the fullest.

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